Art School is the creation of teaching artist and Nashville native Allison Jarrett.  The purpose of Art School is to provide meaningful art-making opportunities to students of all ages, experiences, and abilities.  

 We asked Allison a few fun questions about Nashville and the Holidays. We hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as we have!

 1. What Nashvillian inspires you the most? I am super-inspired by Megan Barry, our illustrious mayor. She is constantly hustling to get things done for our city, and she has handled the pressure of being the first woman mayor (not to mention enduring unimaginable personal tragedy under the public eye) with grace and confidence and humility. She's a rockstar, and I want to be like her when I grow up.

2. What is your favorite thing to do in Nashville? My favorite "You're So Nashville If..." thing to do is taking out-of-town visitors to Tootsie's, but only on weekdays, and only before noon. I think that's when the Orchid Lounge really shines, mainly because the bachelorettes are still asleep.

3. Favorite Holiday tradition: My favorite holiday tradition is eating at the Krystal on Christmas Eve. The family tradition dates back to one of my parents' first Christmases as a married couple. They came out of a midnight church service in Madison on Christmas Eve, and my mom was starving. They had no food at their apartment, and on the drive down Gallatin Road, they saw that the Krystal was open. They were saved by those little burgers, and hence, the not-terribly-appetizing-but-oh-so-funny tradition was born.

4. What has surprised you the most about owning a small business in Nashville? I'm constantly surprised by how genuinely happy Nashvillians and fellow local entrepreneurs are to help out, support your work, and spread the word about your business. It's been a relief to experience so much collaboration over competition, and to find so many people who actually want you to succeed.

5. Favorite holiday movie? Christmas Story! I think the dad in that movie and my dad are kindred spirits. I never get tired of watching it, even after it plays on TV for 24 hours straight (thanks, TBS).